A Silent Diplomat

I’m taking another crack at attending seminary, kinda-sorta. I haven’t decided what specific program I’d like to do, so I’m currently a non-degree-seeking student. I tried two classes at once a couple years ago but ran head-first into a wall that I still don’t understand, and it took me awhile to recover. Right now I’m trying a single class focused on writing.


A friend of mine sometimes sends me links to articles, blog posts, etc. that he finds interesting. As the saying goes, this does not necessarily equal endorsement of their ideas. I’ve got a bit of a backlog of these that I’ve been meaning to respond to, so I decided to compile them here as well.


As reductive as it is to dismiss this by saying that God has a sense of humor, that also doesn’t make it entirely wrong. Somehow I’ve ended up with some deep, ingrained qualities of mine being diametrically opposed.